Server Sections

Add server sections

Add Server Sections Watch Video Add Server Sections ( from RestaurantConnect ( on Vimeo ( Overview 1. To add a server section, click on the Tools icon. 2. This will pull up the Daily Setup: Meal Period "Shift" and Section Management. This is where the restaurant's archive of servers is listed, from which you can select which server to assign to a server section. 3. From the list of servers, you ca...

Modify server sections

Modifying Server Sections Watch Video Modifying Server Sections ( from RestaurantConnect ( on Vimeo ( Overview Modifying Server Sections may mean changing the color of the section, and adding to or removing tables from a section. 1. To change the color of the Server Section, we need to change the color cue of the server. In this example, we want to change the yellow-green color of the section to make it m...

Close server sections

Close Server Sections Watch Video: Closing Server Sections.mp4 ( from RestaurantConnect ( on Vimeo ( Just as we need to add server sections for the efficient utilization of servers, time and other resources, we will also need to close server sections. 1. To close a server section we need to simply click the color cue of the section in the reservations log. 2. Next, we click one by one, all the tables...