Table Management


TableWatch Icons and Tabs Functions Watch Video: Overview: 1. In the top left corner you will find the Day-Date field, this field will allow you to search for reservations on a particular date. Clicking it will bring up a calendar of the current month and you can select the different dates to see the reservations that correspond with them. 2. Next to the Day-Date field is the Meal Period Field, clicking this will bring up different meal periods such as Breakfast, Lunch and ...

Changing Tables

Changing Tables Watch Video: Overview: 1. This video will show how to transfer a reservation from one table to another. 2. To move, or transfer the reservation from one table to another (Change Table), click and drag the reservation from the prime table to the table the guest has requested for. 3. This will transfer all information from the previous table to the new one. 4. The transfer of the reservation from its original table to the new one is now complete. ...

Preassigning Reservations

Preassigning Reservations Watch Video: Overview: 1. When you have reservations lined up, it is a good practice to pre-assign them to a table. Pre-assigning a reservation to a table will allow you to know where your guests are going to sit and at what time. 2. To pre-assign a reservation to a table, drag and drop the reservation to the table you wish to add it to. *Note, you can only assign four reservations to a single table. 3. You do not need to worry...

Managing Tables

Managing Tables Watch Video: Overview: 1. Click on the table you want to manage: 2. Select the table status: 3. Once you have selected your status, it will update the table's status and color 4. Update the table status throughout the guests meal. Updating the guest's table makes it help 5. The icon changes as the status changes to let you at a glance, see what stage of the meal the guests are in: 6. If there is an issue at the table, you can click "Issue": 7. ...

Seating Walk-Ins

Seating Walk-Ins Watch Video: Overview: 1. To seat a Walk-In guest, simply click the guest's name in the Reservation Log and drag it to an available table. 2. This will remove the walk-in guest from the Reservation Log and all his information will be transferred to the table he has been seated in. 3. To check the status of the Walk-In, click on the table the walk-in has been seated in. The screen goes to the Quick Edit window where you will see his st...

Linking and Unlinking Tables

Linking and Unlinking Tables Watch Video Overview 1. This video will show how to Link and Unlink Tables. 2. There will be times when a reservation will need an additional table, or tables, in order to accommodate the arrival of more guests to the original party. 3. To add, or Link, a table or tables to a reservation, click on the Link icon [two chain links], on the bottom right corner of the screen. 4. After the Link icon turns red, click and drag the primary table to the tab...

Blocking & locking tables

Blocking and Locking Tables Watch Video: Overview: 1. To block an empty table, start by clicking on the table in the floor plan. 2. This will bring up a new page, in this page click on the button with the lock icon in the bottom left hand side of the page. 3. You will be redirected to the Floor Plan page after that and the table will turn grey and it will have a lock icon on it. 4. To remove a block, start by clicking on a locked table. 5. The "Unloc...