Guest Types


Watch Video:

Guests 01 Guest Types.mp4 from RestaurantConnect on Vimeo.



1.  On the restaurant home page, click “Ad”. This will bring you to the Admin page On the Admin page, on the left hand margin, click “Guests”. A drop-down menu will appear. This contains a. Guest Types, b. Guest Status, c. Guest Requests, d. Color Cues, e. Custom Table Status, and f. Reservation Source


2.  For metric purposes, we can categorize guests by type. Some examples of guest types may be a walk-in guest, a repeat guest, a local guest, an employee, a referral, etc.





3.  Each type of guest as set on this page may be enabled or disabled, and made public or not public. 







4.  When all information and settings have been made, we can click "Save". 





5.  A green box will appear on the top right corner or the page saying "Success! Data saved successfully."