Cancel a reservation

Cancel a Reservation
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1. To cancel a reservation, click on the time on the left hand side of the reservation. 


1. You will be redirected to the Reservation information screen. 



2. Fill in the "Updated By" field with your initials.  



3. Then, click on the "Cancel Res" button on the bottom left hand side of the screen. 



4. You will then be prompted to confirm the cancellation; click "Yes." 



5. After this, you will be redirected to the Floor Plan page and you will no longer see the reservation in the reservation log. 


6. To see the cancelled reservation, click on the filter icon and a drop down menu will appear. 



7. Click on "Clear All" and a second drop down menu will appear then click on "Cancelled." 



8. You will then see all of the cancelled reservations in the reservation log. 



9. To return to the current reservations click on the "Res Log" filter button. 



10. Then, click on "Clear All" and a second drop down menu will appear, then click on "Res Log."



11. You will then be redirected to the reservation log screen where you can see the current reservations. 



Priority Settings:

  • Hours of Operation
  • Inventory
  • Reservation
  • Cancel

Optional Settings:

  • Auto-Assign: Let RestaurantConnect choose a table when a reservation is booked.
  • Quick Requests: Reduce repetitive typing with predefined keywords.
  • Auto-Agreement: Trigger a reservation for larger parties.
  • Taken-by: Require a user's name or initials for better operational accountability.
  • Permissions: Enable or restrict user's ability to exceed inventory limits.
  • Tax reservation confirmations & reminders: Enable text communications with guests.
  • Reservation policy: Include in guest communications for reservation confirmations and reminders.