The Quick Edit Window
The Quick Edit Window
This is an essential tool in managing reservations, Once a reservation has been made and entered into the system, it will become necessary to update it from time to time. For example, putting in additional information about the guest and the reservation which was not given or available at the time the reservation was initially created. Another example would be updating the status of the reservation, and so on.
Parts of the Quick Edit Window.
1. The Guest and Reservation information section.
2. The Occasion type of the reservation.
3. The Status of the reservation.
4. Color Cues
5. Quick Edit Toolbar
The Guest and Reservation Information Section
Quick Glance information.
The topmost bar provides quick-glance information about the guest type, the time of the reservation, and the size of the party (how many people are expected in it. And immediately below that is the name and the email address of the guest.
The fields below it show information about the party size (the current expected number of people in a guest's party), Wait Quote (the time quoted which the guest will wait out before they can be seated), Hint (useful information which the staff can use to recognize the party (for example "wearing white polo with 2 children"), Note, and Guest Request.
Guest and Reservation Information section.
The Plus (+) Icon
Clicking the Plus (+) icon pulls up a blank Reservation fill-up page for putting in a new reservation.
Reservation Occasion Type
"None" means ready to check in the guest
Birthday Icon (Cake) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Anniversary Icon (heart with arrow through it) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Engagement Icon (Diamond) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Baby Shower Icon (baby) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Congratulations Icon (trophy) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Graduation Icon (Toga Cap) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Business Icon (two hands in a handshake) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Romance Icon (man and woman) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Appetizer Icon (fork and martini glass) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Dessert Icon (cup of coffee) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Special Needs Icon (person in wheelchair) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
Tradition Icon (baby) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
The Reservation Status icons.
Reservation Icon (three people) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
In this status, we are ready to check the guest in and has not yet been preassigned (not yet in the Waiting List).
The tables linked to the reservation also show the Reservation status icon.
Preassigned Icon (checkmark) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
A Preassigned Status means the guest has not been checked in and not yet in the waiting list.
The Preassigned Icon also appears on the tables concerned.
When the guest arrives at the restaurant, we have to check the guest in by clicking the Preassigned Icon (checkmark) on the Reservation Log Information Box. This will change the reservation's status from Preassigned (showing chechmark icon) to Arrived (showing Martini Glass icon).
Arrived Icon (martini glass) and how it appears in the reservation log information box.
A guest checked into the waiting list will have an orange cellphone icon to the right of the guest's name on their reservation listing. We click this icon to send the guest an SMS (text) notification alerting them that their table is ready and that they may now approach the Host Stand to be seated.
When you click the orange cell phone icon, a decision box comes up asking you to confirm if you want to proceed sending a text message to the guest's phone number. To send the text message, click “Yes”. This will then text an alert to the phone number attached to the guest’s profile.
Once the text message has been sent, the orange cell phone icon now turns to green and moves to the left of the guest's name, replacing the Martini Glass Icon. This also alerts staff that they should expect the guest's party at the host stand momentarily.
All the information in the Reservation also appears on the table/s concerned.
The Incoming Icon (fork) means the table is now ready to seat the guest and his party, once they are complete and have approached the host stand to be seated.
Once the reservation status has been changed to Seated, the reservation information in the waiting list disappears from the box and will now show only on the table/s concerned. In the Seated status, the table/s become blue in color.
Clicking the Dessert Icon (cup of coffee) in the Quick Edit window will show the reservation table to change color from blue to pink, displaying the Dessert Icon.
Once the guests pay, we can click the Paid Icon (dollar sign) in the Quick Edit window. When the Floor Plan returns to the screen, you will notice the table bearing the Paid Icon, again changing colors from pink to green.
After the guests have paid, in the Quick Edit window we can click the Reset Icon (crossed knife and fork). Back on the Floor Plan, the table will now display the Reset Icon and its color now changes from green to yellow. Note the guest's reservation information is still showing on the table.
At any time during the evolution of the reservation, should an issue arise (for example, the guest requests for an item or service that the restaurant normally does not provide, we can click on the Issue Icon (exclamation point inside a triangle) in the quick Edit window. This will alert the Manager of the Day (MOD) for a quick response or resolution to the concern.
When the party has finished and left the table, we can click the Finish Icon in the Quick Edit window. This will clear the tables of any information from the previous reservation and make them available for the next reservation.
The Color Cue section.
Basically, the different color cues correspond to different sections of the restaurant. Color cues will visually appear on the party's reservation listing on the Waiting List log (Res & Wait view). These colors will be different for each restaurant. Management may change the verbiage per color cue in their administrator module.
The Quick Edit window toolbar, located below the Color Cue section.
The Reservation Page Edit Icon. Clicking this will pull up information about the guest and the reservation, wherein you can also makes changes to the reservation information.
The Guest Profile Icon. Clicking this will pulls up the Guest Profile information, wherein you can also make changes to it.
The Unlink Icon. Clicking this will activate the Unlink function. The Link Icon in the TableWatch will turn red, and in this state you can unlink tables that have been linked to the prime table.
The Swap Table Icon. Clicking this will pull up a small Swap Table window. Clicking the drop down arrow will show three options. Clicking :Select Table" will bring the Floor Plan back on the screen, from which you can select the table you want to swap the main table with.
Return Icon. Clicking this will return the screen to the Floor Plan.
The Res-Reset Tab. Clicking this will pull up a confirmation box. Clicking "Yes" will reset the table and remove the reservation from the waiting list.
The Res-Cancel Tab (Reservation Cancel). Clicking this will pull up a Confirmation box, where you will need to fill in the reason for canceling, your name or initials, and if you would like to send a Reservation Cancellation Notice. Clicking "Yes" will cancel the reservation.
The Guest Response tabs, found at the bottom of the screen.
When a notification is sent to the guest, we click the appropriate tab according to the guest's response.
"Confirmed" : Guest has called or bee talked to in person and the reservation is confirmed.
"Not Confirmed": Guest has not been contacted or talked to in person.
"Left Message": Left a voicemail for the guest/s.
"No Answer": Guest/s did not answer their phone.
The "Save" button. Clicking this will save all changes made in the Quick Edit window. It may or may not prompt you to fill in the "Updated By" field. If no changes were made, you can exit the Quick Edit window by simply clicking the "X" button on the top right corner of the screen.
Priority Settings:
- Hours of Operation
- Inventory
Optional Settings:
- Auto-Assign: Let RestaurantConnect choose a table when a reservation is booked.
- Quick Requests: Reduce repetitive typing with predefined keywords.
- Auto-Agreement: Trigger a reservation for larger parties.
- Taken-by: Require a user's name or initials for better operational accountability.
- Permissions: Enable or restrict user's ability to exceed inventory limits.
- Tax reservation confirmations & reminders: Enable text communications with guests.
- Reservation policy: Include in guest communications for reservation confirmations and reminders.