Search Criteria

How to List your Search Criteria


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Search Criteria.mp4 from RestaurantConnect on Vimeo.



1.  On your RestaurantConnect homepage, click the Admin icon.



2. On the Admin page, click " Settings" on the left hand margin, and on the dropdown menu, click "Widgets and Listings:



3. On the Widgets and Listings page, click "Search Criteria",


4. On the "Search Criteria" page, you can list the information about your restaurant which you would like to appear on your restaurant's website, for example which region your restaurant is located in, the type of cuisine it serves, and the price range of the meals. 


5. Under "Restaurant Type", there are several options you can enable to show which features your restaurant has.



6. Under "Restaurant Experience", you can describe how it is to dine in your restaurant.



7. Under "Restaurant Amenities"  you can select which amenities to show on your website which your restaurant offers.



8.  When you're done with the settings, click "Save".


9.  A green confirmation box  appears stating your data has been successfully saved.