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TableConnect Icons & Tabs

and their Definitions & Functions




TableConnect Screen




Day & Date field

The screen defaults to the present day and date displaying information for the same.



To select another date, click the Calendar icon.


A calendar pulls up from which you can select a particular day and date, which displays all the reservation and Floor Plan information for that day and date.





Meal Period field. To view the meals for the current date, click the dropdown arrow.



The Meal Period dropdown menu shows the different meal period that are set up for the current date.



Lock Icon. Clicking this pulls up a Lock Time Slot mini-window, wherein you can lock time slots.



Lock Time Slot mini-window




Reservations Log Filter Icon. Clicking this will show a dropdown menu, from which you can select which particular log you need displayed on the screen.

For example, you want to view all Reservations only, or view all cancelled reservations, etc.








TableConnect Upper Right Toolbar, found on the upper right part of the screen. 

From left to right, the Wait Quote Icon, the Page refresh Icon, the Guest Find Icon, the Walk-In Icon, Reservation Icon, and Alternate Toolbar Icon.




Wait Quote Tab. Clicking this will display a dropdown Wait Quote selection list, from which you can set the time period for the Wait Quote.





Page Refresh Icon. Clicking this refreshes the page only, and may not pull up some information. For a full refresh, select another date from the pop-up calendar in the Day & Date field, then do it again and select today's date.





Guest Find Icon. Clicking this will pull up the Guest Find window wherein you can search for a guest by name and pull the guest's information if it is already archived in the system.







Walk-In Icon. Clicking this will pull up a Walk-In fill-up form, wherein you can enter a new Walk-In guest's information. If the walk-in guest had dined in the restaurant before, the walk-in guest's information will pull up as soon as you type in the walk-in guest's name.






Log-Out Icon. Clicking this will pull up a decision box wherein you can confirm if you indeed want to log out, or not.






TableConnect Alternate Toolbar Icon.  Clicking this will pull up an alternate toolbar.


TableConnect screen showing Alternate Toolbar.





The TableConnect Alternate Toolbar. From left to right: Service Mode Toggle tab, Details Tab, Inventory Tab, Log-Out Icon, and Alternate Toolbar icon.




Service Mode Toggle Tab, defaulter to Service Mode ON. Clicking this will turn the Service Mode OFF. In the OFF mode, a window showing a list of time slots pull up in the Reservation Logs, from which you can select which time slots you need the service turned off.

Service Mode OFF screen showing list of time slots.




Details Tab. Clicking this pulls up the Details window showing various information.






Inventory Tab. Clicking this will pull information on Reservation Times and on Seated Times.


Inventory Reservation Times information


Inventory Seated Times Information.





Tools Tab.  Clicking this will display a dropdown menu from which you can select to display certain information onscreen. 








Res Research Tab. Clicking this will pull up the Reservation Search window, where you can search for a reservation by its confirmation number






Guest Find tab. Clicking this will pull a Guest Find window, from where you can search for a guest's information from the system archive.






Print Reservation Tab. Clicking this will pull up a window that lists all reservations for a particular day and time.






Settings Tab. Clicking this will pull up a window showing all Settings information.







Alternate Toolbar icon. Clicking this will pull up the first Toolbar.





Search Icon, found on the lower left corner of the screen. Clicking this will display a Search field, in which you can type in your key words to bring up information on reservations.







Daily Setup Icon. Clicking this pulls up the Daily Setup: Meal Period (Shift) and Section Management  window.

This is where you can select servers that you can assign to serve a section, and also modify Staff List and Information.  There are separate articles that deal with this in this Knowledge Base under the topic Server Sections, and modifying Staff  Information.




Add Journal Note tab, found below the Search Icon, on the lowermost left of the screen. Clicking this pulls up a Journal wherein you can type in notes for today, or pull notes recorded from the past week or year. You can select the mode of transmitting notes, either Internally, Online, or as General notes.


Journal Notes window


Journal Window Type of Notes


Journal Window Period Selection of When Notes were made






Reservations Log Filter Icon

Clicking this pulls up a menu from which you can select what information you need displayed on the Floor Plan regarding Tables, the duration of the current diners, and the departure times on every current reservation for the day.




Floor Plan Drag Icon

Clicking this will allow you to drag the Floor Plan across the screen. For example, if there are some tables or information that are cropped out on the right side of the screen, you can drag the Floor Plan towards the left to display what is cropped out.




Link Icon (Not In Use)              Link Icon (In Use)


The Link Icon is used to link tables together. In its off or default state, it is blue. When you click it, it turns red, which will then allow you to link tables.



TableConnect Section Selection Display icon

Clicking this pulls up a menu from which you can select what to display on the screen.


TableConnect Section Selection Menu


Reservation Log

Clicking this will display only the Reservation Log on the screen.




Reservation Log display



Floor Plan

Clicking this will display only the Floor Plan on the screen.


screen displays Floor Plan only



Reservation Log + Floor Plan

Clicking this will display both the Reservation Log and the Floor Plan.



Reservation Log and the Floor Plan display