Seat guest from waiting list

Seat Guest From Waiting List


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Seat Guest From Waiting List from RestaurantConnect on Vimeo.


1. In this example, we have a reservation that has been checked in and is now in the Waiting List.


2. The guest in this reservation arrived at the Restaurant alone and is waiting for his companion to arrive. This means that we cannot just sit him yet because we can only sit the guests in a reservation when they are all complete. For this, we need to change the status of the reservation from Arrived to Incoming.
We do that in the Quick Edit window.


3. After we click the Incoming icon (the Fork icon), the screen returns to the Floor Plan, and you'll notice the Martini Glass icon change to the Fork icon, otherwise known as the Incoming icon,


4. When the guest's party becomes complete, we can now seat them at their preassigned table.


5. To update the reservation status, click on the Fork icon, and when the screen goes to the Quick Edit window, click the Seated icon, [A Knife and Fork]


6. Back on the Floor Plan, you will notice the reservation gets removed from the waiting list.


    and the table where the reservation has been seated now becomes colored blue,


7. This means the guest and his party is now seated at their table.



Priority Settings:

  • Hours of Operation

  • Inventory

  • Host and Management Level Permissions

Optional Settings:

  • Auto-Assign: Let RestaurantConnect choose a table when a reservation is booked.

  • Quick Requests: Reduce repetitive typing with predefined keywords.

  • Auto-Agreement: Trigger a reservation for larger parties.

  • Taken-by: Require a user's name or initials for better operational accountability.

  • Permissions: Enable or restrict user's ability to exceed inventory limits.

  • Tax reservation confirmations & reminders: Enable text communications with guests.

  • Reservation policy: Include in guest communications for reservation confirmations and reminders.

  • User access levels