Check-in a reservation

Check-in a Reservation

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Check In A Reservation from RestaurantConnect on Vimeo.


1. As soon as the guest arrives at the restaurant for his reservation, we need to check-in the reservation to put it in the Waiting List.

    For this example, we have a reservation for 10:15 AM, Tuesday, February 8, 2022.


2. To check-in the reservation, simply click the Check icon, otherwise known as the Preassigned icon.


3. The Check icon changes to a Martini Glass icon, which means the reservation has now been checked in and is on the Waiting List.


4. Since there are about 15 minutes between the time the guest arrived and the time of his reservation, we can assign a Wait Quote to the reservation (a Wait       Quote is a period of time that we can expect to seat the guest at the preassigned table from a certain point, like the guest's arrival)


   5. To give a Wait Quote, click the cover size on the reservation information.


6. When the Quick Edit window comes up on the screen, click the drop-down arrow on Wait Quote and select a period. In our example, we select 10 minutes.



7. Notice the status of the reservation is Arrived.


8. After we fill in the Updated By field, click Save, and the screen goes back t the Floor Plan .

    The reservation has now been checked in and given a Wait Quote, too.


Priority Settings:

  • Hours of Operation

  • Inventory

  • Host and Management Level Permissions

Optional Settings:

  • Auto-Assign: Let RestaurantConnect choose a table when a reservation is booked.

  • Quick Requests: Reduce repetitive typing with predefined keywords.

  • Auto-Agreement: Trigger a reservation for larger parties.

  • Taken-by: Require a user's name or initials for better operational accountability.

  • Permissions: Enable or restrict user's ability to exceed inventory limits.

  • Tax reservation confirmations & reminders: Enable text communications with guests.

  • Reservation policy: Include in guest communications for reservation confirmations and reminders.

  • User access levels