Remove guest from waiting list

Remove Guest from Waiting List

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Removing Guest from Waiting List from RestaurantConnect on Vimeo.



1.  There will be instances when a reservation that has been put on the Waiting List needs to be removed from the Waiting List, without cancelling it.

     Some examples of these are, when we have put the reservation on the Waiting List before the guest's party has all arrived or when we have put the reservation on the wrong table, etc.


2.   In this example, the reservation is already in the Waiting List, as indicated by the Glass Martini icon, meaning it is in 'Arrived" status.


3. To remove the reservation from the Waiting List, click on the status icon, the Martini Glass.


4. The Quick Edit Window pulls up on the screen, and you'll notice the Martini Glass icon, otherwise known as the Arrived status icon, is highlighted.

    Click on the Checkmark icon, or the Preassigned status icon.


5. The screen goes back to the Floor Plan, where you will notice the Martini Glass icon change to the Checkmark icon, or the Preassigned status icon.

     This means the reservation is now no longer in the Waiting List.



6. Let's see another way of removing a guest from the Waiting List.

     Again, starting with a reservation that is in the Waiting List, click on the status icon (in this case the Martini Glass icon).



7. This pulls up the Quick Edit window, wherein you will see the status of the reservation which is the Martini Glass, or Arrived status icon.

     Click on the blue "Res Reset" (Reservation Reset) tab at the bottom left the screen.


     A decision confirmation box comes up, so just click "Yes".



8. The screen goes back the Floor Plan, where you'll notice the Martini Glass icon change to the Reservation icon (three people).


     The reservation has been removed from the Waiting List, awaiting further action when it will be put on the waiting List.