Can we require credit cards for reservations to be booked?

Can We Require Credit Cards For Reservations To Be Booked?


Requiring Credit Card from RestaurantConnect on Vimeo.



Yes. To secure a client’s reservation, you can require a credit or debit card profile. Their credit or debit card information is kept confidential and secure with Braintree. Payments from the guest’s card account may be processed only after the date of the reservation to be booked where outstanding charges are required, including last-minute cancellations or failure to arrive at the restaurant within 30 minutes of the date and time that the reservation is booked for. When a prospective guest completes his or her reservation, this authorizes you to process any necessary charges.

Our App features PCI-Compliant Credit Card Storage and Billing, which reduces no-shows.


1. To set up your widget for requiring credit or debit information, go to your Admin page, and on the left hand margin, click "Meal Periods"

2. Click on "Regular" meal plan:

3. Click "Edit" your meal period:

4. Click to turn  on "Require Credit Card":

5. Go to "Settings":


6. Click "Widget and Listings": 

7. Click on the "Reservation Widget Settings":

8. For your Online Widget, you can make a custom message about requiring a credit card:

9. Once your done with your message, save it and you're done