How do I setup temporary hours of operation?

How Do I Setup Temporary Hours of Operation?


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     To set up temporary hours of operation, we can set up a separate or different meal period, limited in its number of hours.


1.  On the restaurant's home page, click the Admin icon. On the Admin page, on the ledt hand margin, click "Company".




2.  On the Admin page, click "Company" on the left hand margin.



3.  A dropdown menu appears, click "Meals".



4.  In the blank field next to "Add Meal Period", fill in the name that you'd like to give this period with temporary hours, then click the checkmark to its right.




5.  The new period now appears on the list.



6.  Click "Save".



7.  A confirmation will appear on the top right corner of the screen.



8.  To finish setting up this new, temporary period, on the left hand margin, click "Meal Periods", then click "Regular".



9.  On the next screen, click the edit icon across the new meal period.



10. On the next screen, we have to set the start and end dates of this new meal period. The start date is usually defaulted to the present date, but may also be set for a future date. To set the start and end dates, click the respective calendar icons, the select the dates by clicking them.



11, Then, click and drag the new period to the top of the display order. After that, click "Next".









12, On the next screen, we can set the start and end of temporary hours, Then, click "Next".





13. The new period has now been listed with start and end dates and hours. Click "Next".




14. The new meal period with its temporary hours is now set in the system. Finally, click "Save Meal", the confirmation comes up that the data has been saved successfully.





15. The new period has now been saved and its settings have been archived for future use or reference.